June 2013

Do you have a binary clock?

Do you use it in your classroom?

Here’s an activity you might try with your students.

Intead of focusing on the time initially, see if students notice when interesting shapes show up in the pattern of LED lights.


This next image looks like football goalposts to me. Would you agree?


How about this pattern as a house?


This next one looks like a small dog…maybe if you squint.


There’s an Inkscape clock blank to do your own shapes.

There’s a worksheet you can give your kids to try figuring out their own interesting shapes.

Get some more details at http://runeman.org/articles/binary-clock/index.html

Cloud Music

If all your music is in your head and you play your own, great. You’ll never go a day without it.

If all your music is on CDs, vinyl and tape, almost great. You’ll be able to hear it until your playback device is irreplacably broken. If you have been technically quick, maybe you have also made backups which are available in a digital format on your computer.

If all your music is only available from a single cloud service, good luck.

Where will your music be if that service shuts down? If the service doesn’t allow you to make local backup copies, too bad.

cloudsound silent

Let’s get on board the effort to make music accessible in common formats which have the chance to be carried forward into the next standard format as technology improves.

[Please feel free to reuse the cloud music icon available in SVG format (Inkscape) at openclipart.org]